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Cancer Treatment in Turkey
Why is Turkey Becoming a Preferred Destination for Cancer Treatment? Turkey has emerged as a significant player in the global medical...
Botox: Cosmetic and Medical Uses
Botox is a drug that weakens or paralyzes muscle. In small doses, it can reduce skin wrinkles and help treat some medical conditions....
Plastic Surgery Procedures
Plastic surgery is growing in popularity each year, with almost 18 million surgical procedures taking place in the United States...
9 Skin-Care Resolutions Dermatologists Want You to Make in 2022
Here are some skin-care resolutions that five board-certified dermatologists want you to commit to in 2022. Do Apply Sunscreen Every Day,...
Health Benefits of Collagen
Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It’s in your bones, muscles, and blood,...
Cosmetic Surgery for the Nose
A nose job (technically called a rhinoplasty) is surgery on the nose to change its shape or improve its function. Types of rhinoplasty...
Everything to Know About a Dental Implant Procedure
Missing teeth can throw your bite out of alignment, altering your facial shape. They can also make you self-conscious about your smile....
Combining Plastic Surgery with Nonsurgical Treatments
Plastic surgery is still the gold standard to achieve aesthetic results, especially in the face. Enhanced facial rejuvenation, breast and...
Hair Transplantation or Hair Restoration?
Chances are you have heard of the term hair transplant, hair restoration, or hair plugs, and do not quite understand the difference...
Different Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures
When you want to improve your smile, you have several choices for cosmetic dental work. Cosmetic dentistry is on the rise, and even a few...
How to Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags
If you've ever stayed up until the early hours of the morning – be it drinking with friends at your favorite bar or finishing up a...
Health-Care Services For Foreigners In Turkey
The main purpose of this brief information note is to indicate the regulations of healthcare services and health insurances available for...
Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)
What Is Mastopexy? Mastopexy, also called a breast lift, is an operation where a surgeon repositions your nipple higher on your chest...
Breasts After Breastfeeding
Though pregnancy and breastfeeding are amazing chapters that are filled with joy and happiness, they can also cause many significant...
Can 'Dental Tourism' Help You Save Money?
To put it plainly, dental tourism means you go to another country, do your dental procedure there, and come back to your home country...
Sleeve Gastrectomy Operations in Turkey
Gastric sleeve The sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and limits food intake. This can...
What is Medical Tourism?
Medical tourism can be defined as the process of traveling outside the country of residence for the purpose of receiving medical care....
Genital Cosmetic Surgery
Genital aesthetics include surgery & external medical operations, primarily performed in terms of aesthetic benefits to the internal and...
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure in which we will remove your teeth stains by using very safe, but highly potent bleaching agents....
Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck in body aesthetics (abdominoplasty) Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is one of the treatment methods which are...
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